Paint and Solvent Wastes Are The Largest Hazardous Waste Items

Due to industrial operations use of significant paint thinner and solvents there is a large amount of hazardous solvent waste. Used solvent as well as paint waste are the largest waste items within paint operations. Hazardous waste is managed by several options in addition to, shipping out to off-site for burning, treating and/or recycling,  operations may choose to purchase proper equipment to recycle the waste on-site. Lastly as well as unfortunately improperly disposing of hazardous waste. This last one can result is extensive violations and fines and possibly closing the shop by authorities. Both on-site and off-site recycling use a process which waste solvent is distilled to separate and reclaim solvent from the waste paint or solvent mixture. Recycling solvent on-site helps shops reduce regulatory requirements and future liability.


Off-Site Recycling

When shipping solvent waste off-site, one must look for a facility that processes waste solvent and returns clean solvent back to the shop. If unable to locate a facility in your area, search for facilities that recycle for reuse as cleaning or other solvent, not fuel. Another option, choose a recycler or hazardous waste management facility that is permitted by Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) and check their compliance history.


BECCA’s 3 & 6 gallon Solvent Recycler

On-Site Recycling

Shops using on-site solvent recycling systems have gained significant savings from reduced material and waste disposal costs. Shops have reduced solvent purchases by as much as 90%+ by recycling on-site. There are many options out there for recycling equipment, with that said they certainly are not all the same. As well not all meet the stringent EPA requirements and could end up costing you in the long run. At BECCA we have developed an entire system to service all your needs. From Spray Gun cleaning with our “Power Clean” technology to our “Solvent Recovery” system. Our team will assist you in evaluating your specific needs before selecting a distillation unit.

BECCA’s Solvent Recovery Systems Vs The Competition

BECCA’s 3 & 6 gal
Solvent Recovery System

BECCA Solvent  Recovery System

Competitors Comparable Unit

Listed to UL2208 & Class I Div 1 Requirements


Stainless Steel Boiler


4-6 Hour Cycle Time


Thermic oil surrounding boiler [half way up for better and more heat transfer]


1000 of units in service



BECCA’s 17.5 and 55 gallon
Solvent Recovery System

BECCA Solvent
Recovery System

Competitors Comparable

Listed to UL2208 & Class I Div 1 Requirements


Cast aluminum Boiler w/ Teflon Coating & heat coils up side walls for better Heat Transfer


4-7 Hour Cycle time


100’s of units in service


See How BECCA Measures Up To The Competition!

Fair to Compare Solvent Recycler – Finish Thompson 3-23-17

Fair to Compare – Uni-Ram Recycler 500