Are You An Order Taker Or A Professional?


Follow Up Is Key To Successful Closes!

Field sales is not easy work and a true sales rep is much more than an order taker. Professional sales reps create opportunity and  not limited in the ability to grow their income $$. An order taker waits on opportunity to make their phone ring and/or a person asking to buy. Professional sales representatives go through all of the steps of sales: making phone calls, setting appointments, doing presentations… next the waiting Increase game. Waiting for the phone to ring or the email to come. The mentality tends to be: “Well, the ball is in their court now, so I’ll just wait for them to call me back or reach out to me” – as though they’ve done enough work already! Bottomline… Real salesmen create more opportunities and increase sales.

85% gainStatistically 85% of sales are made after the 7th follow up? SEVEN TIMES! What does this mean? This means once you have made your initial contact and presentation you’re not done yet! You have just begun!
In Sales numbers show that followup is not only necessary, however you need to be persistent and consistent! 
The art of the follow up can make the difference between an order taker and a professional sales representative. Follow up is very valuable and the art of the followup needs to be in your repertoire if you are a professional sales representative. As with everything, your follow up needs to be done with intention to be effective. Potential clients want to know how much you want to work for them, so a strong follow up cannot be discounted.

Following Up With Your Potential Client/Customer:

Schedule Your Follow Up While Face To Face 

Follow up is one of those things that needs to be placed on the calendar while you are with them. If it’s not there, it likely won’t happen [out of site, out of mind]. A sales rep is 25% more likely to get a solid follow up appointment and something accomplished simply by getting it on the calendar. Set aside follow up time in your calendar prior to your initial meeting. Have 2-3 times and dates already in mind prior to your meeting. Give this the same level of priority that given to scheduling initial sales appointments.

Consistency Is Key

Simply “talking” about following up with your client, you will never follow through with scheduling it. Though there are many ways to follow up, your methods must be consistent with your words.  Do not discuss meeting for coffee, then follow up with a simple phone call or email instead. Too many sales reps have a fear of failure or the turn down and therefore avoid a phone call by simply sending an email. This is sure failure!
Your follow up determines  just how you are remembered by your client. If you promise to follow up with a phone call, with a specified timeframe, that’s exactly what needs to happen. If not, you are certain to lose your credibility, as well you’ll likely lose them as a client. Furthermore, you are not going to get any more business from them in the future if your follow up is perceived as unprofessional and your word is of no value. 

Update Your Records

Way to often we leave and forget the details of our meetings, discussions and areas of the clients interest. This is vital! Once you follow up, make notes in your contact management tool that you can easily recall what you discussed, as well as your next step next step is. This will ensure you are reliable, professional and sincerely care about serving your clients…

Have A System, Work The System

Have a system of follow up and work the system. Use whatever tools work for you. There are many out there some even for free. The important thing is that if you do not have a system then chances are you will not be consistent in your followup. Your follow up can be done one of several ways: you can write a handwritten letter [while email is an easy way to communicate it is not as impactful as taking the time to hand write a response], make a phone call, or send a gift card. Our suggestion is to ask if the client if you could add them to you company email newsletter. Track your points of contact, schedule the next point of contact, and take good notes setting clear expectations for your client. The results… It will pay off!
Remember the average is 7 points of contact prior to closing the sale. 
Are you an order taker of a professional sales representative?

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